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Ethical Issues

Participants who take part in these studies, used to explore and map the human microbiome, are not able to have all risks or contributing factors to the study disclosed to them. This is due to the fact that some studies have a broad and unspecified goal. Not much is known about the bacteria in our bodies, therefore the participants cannot be effectively informed of the potential risks. [E.2]


Most results from studies will be entered into a data base. Results from a study may also be entered into the databases of companies, allowing them to use it for the further research needed. This compromises a participants privacy because they will not be able to keep their results to themselves, should they participate in a study.  [E.3]

Legal Issues

Invasiveness of samples that are taken can pose uncomfortable situations and create legal issues surrounding potential risks that may occur when one is providing a sample. [E.2]

Another issues is the legal issue of regulations of probiotics to participants in these studies and/ or to patients. This can cause harm to the participant themselves, effect their samples for the project, or even effect their child. Should negative effects of any of these things occur, the Human Microbiome Project would face major repercussions pertaining to harmful conditions. [E.3]

Social Issues

Altering the microbiome of a child can prove to be dangerous. Because of this, the social issue arises of whether or not it is okay to experiment on children in womb in order to observe their microbiota and how it was effected. [E.2]

It is considered unethical to alter the microbiome of a child who has no voice of its own. Therefore, these offspring/ children must be protected and observed closely only for studies that pose no harm to the child. It is unethical  to make a choice for this child which could have repercussions later one. These repercussions could be such as a weak immune system. This can be caused by a disruption in the microbiome, and it is especially susceptible when the child is young. [E.3

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